Stucco - Oriental Dry Mortar LLC.
(+968) 2444 6560

Stucco - Oriental Dry Mortar LLC.
(+968) 2444 6560

Rush Coat Special Concrete RC-300


Stucco® RC-300 is a factory blended polymer modified cement based rush coat to provide a mechanical key on smooth surface of polymer modified concrete for plastering. The use of rush coat RC-300 is to replace chipping or hacking on dense concrete surface.


Ordinary Portland cement, processed sand, polymers and plasticizer.


  • Excellent bonding to the substrate.
  • Eliminates hacking.
  • Easy to use, only requires addition of water.
  • Higher productivity-saving on labour costs & time

Technical Data

Binder Ordinary Portland cement
Size of the aggregate < 2.00 mm
Density Dry - 1.70 kg/ltr , Wet - 1.85 kg/ltr
Water requirement 23%
Approximate yield/coverage 31 ltrs per bag/ 20 m2 per bag @ 2mm thickness
Working time Approx. 45 minutes.
Curing Minimum 2 days (48 hrs) by potable water
Compressive strength 15.0 N/mm2 @ 28 days ASTM C579: 2001 B
Flexural strength 2.0 N/mm2 @ 28 days BS 4551 : 1980
Packing 50 kg paper bags
Shelf Life 12 months from date of Manufacture
Application Standards DIN 1168, BS 5262,5492,4551, DIN 18550/1, ASTM C932, C348, C349, C109/CM-01

Method of Application

  • Surface preparation
    • Surface must be free of dirt, oil, grease, scaling paint, releasing agents, curing agents, dust, loose particles, efflorescence or other foreign materials.
    • Spray sufficient amount of clean potable water to neutralize the suction of the background.
    • Allow free water to evaporate completely before the application of the rush coat RC-300.
  • Mixing Mix approx. 11.5 litres of clean potable water per 50kg bag. Add rush coat RC-300 to water and mix with a suitable mechanical mixer. Allow to stand for approx. 5 minutes to completely dissolve the chemical additives. Do not add any additional water once mixing is completed.
  • Application Apply using a "Tyrolean Box"or with a hopper spray gun. Do not apply by trowel. Apply the material in two coats wet on wet but allow the first coat to stiffen slightly then spray the second coat. A rough texture is to be obtained to provide a mechanical key for the subsequent coat of plaster.
  • Curing Moist curing for 2 days (3-4 times daily) is necessary due to the absorption of moisture as well as the evaporation of surface moisture.
  • Precautions
    • Do not apply if raining. Protect from rain for 48 hrs after application.
    • Hard or lumpy material must be not be used.
  • Storage RC-300 must be protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Store off the ground in a cool and dry place.