Stucco® TG-401 is a dry pre-mixed cement based tile joint filler for internal and external use available in variety of colours, for wall and floor tiling (for joints up to 0-3 mm).
Tile Joint Filler - TG-401, is a blend of White Portland cement, natural fillers and set of control additives.
- Long open time and working time.
- High mechanical properties.
- Better water proofing and water resistant properties.
- Very good workability and finish.
Technical Data
White Portland cement
Size of the aggregate |
<1.00 mm
Density - Approximate
Dry 1.08 kg/ltr, Wet 1.85 kg/ltr
Water requirement
Approximate yield/coverage
Approx. 690 ltrs per / ton, 0.7 ltrs per bag
Working time
Approx. 45 - 60 minutes.
Compressive strength
20.0 N/mm2 @ 28 days
Flexural strength
2.2 N/mm2 @ 28 days
25 kg paper bags
Shelf Life
06 months from date of Manufacture.
Application Standards
BS EN 13888, 12808, ASTM C 348, C 349, C 109/C 109 M-01, BS 4551 Part 1
Method of Application
Surface Prearation
- Surface must be free of dirt, oil, grease, scaling paint, releasing agents, curing agents, dust, loose particles, efflorescence or other foreign materials.
- Spray sufficient amount of clean potable water to neutralize the suction of the background
- Allow free water to evaporate completely before the application of tile joint filler.
- Mixing Add 25 kg tile joint filler bag to approximately 7.50 liters of clean potable water gradually and mix with suitable electrical agitator. Allow to stand for approximately 5 minutes to completely dissolve the chemical additives. Mix the material again after 5 minutes slowly and then vigorously to make a homogeneous lump free mortar.
- Application
Apply TG-401 within the joints using a rubber spatula taking care to ensure that the grout is well compacted into the joints. The excess material on the surface should be removed using a dry cloth. The grouting should be carried out in accordance to the relevant standards and code of preparation.
- Curing
Moist curing for 2 days (3-4 times daily)
- Grouting should commence only after the tile adhesive has dried out completely. The applied joint filler should be cured properly.
- Protect from rain for 48 hrs after application.
- Hard or lumpy material must not be used.
- Do not work under sun, wind or rain.
- Storage
TG-401 must be protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Store off the ground in a cool and dry place.