Stucco® GP-100 is a dry premixed premium quality Gypsum plaster for concrete blocks and prepared concrete surfaces.
Hemi-hydrated gypsum, hydrated lime, oven dried white sand and chemical improving agents.
- One coat application.
- Excellent bonding to the background due to high mechanical properties.
- Enhanced insulation properties.
- Enhanced surface hardness.
- No shrinkage cracks
- No curing required
- Fire resistant.
Technical Data
Hemi hydrated gypsum
Size of the aggregate |
1.0 mm
Dry 1.0 kg/ltr , Wet 1.82 kg/ltr.
Water requirement
Approximate yield /coverage
22.22 ltrs per bag / 1.82 m2 per bag @13mm thickness
Working time
Approx. 40 minutes
Water curing is strictly prohibited
Compressive strength
>3.0 N/mm2 at 28 days ASTM C579:2001 B
Flexural strength
0.8 N/mm2 at 28 days BS 4551:1980
33 kg paper bags
Shelf Life
06 Months from date of Manufacture.
Application Standards
Type N BS 5492, 4551, 1191 BS EN 13279 : 2005
Method of Application
- Preparation on normal concrete surface Apply Stucco Rush Coat for Normalconcrete Surface RC-200 on the prepared concrete surface. A rough texture has to be obtained to provide a mechanical key for the subsequent coat of GP-100.
- Preparation on concrete with micro silica concrete or concrete with curing compound Apply Stucco Rush Coat Special RC-300 on the prepared smooth concrete, which is modified with micro silica or curing compound.
In the event of dissimilar backgrounds
At all junctions of dissimilar backgrounds, fix expanded metal lath / fibre glass mesh (as approved by the consultant) or a groove has to be formed at the junction while the plaster is still soft.
- Surface must be free of dirt, oil, grease, scaling paint, releasing agents, curing agents, dust, loose particles, efflorescence or other foreign materials.
- Use steel brush or sand paper for scratching the surface.
- Allow the free water to evaporate completely before the application of the gypsum plaster GP-100.
- The fixing of all attachments such as pipe, electrical fittings, corner beads etc should be carried out before commencement of plastering.
- All packing and void filling of the substrate shall be completed.
- Fibre mesh to be fixed across the junction of pipe and electrical fittings overlapping both the sides with 150 mm.
- Plastering is affected by the combines action of wind, sun and rain, hence protective measures should be taken during application.
- Mixing
When mixed manually, add 7.30 litres of clean water to 33 kg bag and mixing should be done by a mechanical mixer properly. However, where a plaster spray machine is used the mixing is carried out automatically.
- Application
Gypsum plaster GP -100 can be applied in a single coat onto the prepared background up to a thickness of 25mm. The surface can be brought to a very smooth finish.
- Precautions
Gypsum plaster GP -100 can be applied in a single coat onto the prepared background up to a thickness of 25mm. The surface can be brought to a very smooth finish.
- Set and hardened plaster must not be remixed with water and used.
- Mixing of dry mix GP-100 plaster with water on floor, remixing of left over plaster with water and then using it for filling/ repairing small areas should be strictly avoided.
- During high wind, rain and dusty weather the plastering work must not be carried out.
- The fixing of all attachments such as pipe, electrical fittings, corner beads etc should be carried out before commencement of plastering.
- Developing of air bubbles, surface undulations, cracks with hollow sound are due to finishing of the plaster when it is too wet. Final trowelling for finishing the plaster should be done only when it is thumb press hard or near to it.
- Avoid splashing of water on partially set plaster at the time of final finish. Instead of this dip the trowel n water and apply on plaster with gentle pressure to avoid surface variations.
- It is recommended that enough ventilation is provided for the moisture to dry off from the plaster.
- The application of primer or fixing of wall paper should be carried out when the plaster is completely dry.
- Storage
GP 100 must be protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Store off the ground in a cool and dry place.