Stucco® BM-100 is a factory blended cement sand mortar for laying/ fixing the concrete block, and other similar masonry units. BM-100 minimizes shrinkage and movement in masonry walls.
Ordinary Portland cement, processed aggregates and special chemical additives.
- Excellent workability.
- Suitable for load & non load bearing walls.
- Shrinkage resistant.
- Superior bonding.
Technical Data
Ordinary Portland cement
Size of the aggregate |
< 2.00 mm
Dry - 1.70 kg/ltr , Wet - 1.80 kg/ltr
Water requirement
580 ltrs/ton
Working time
Approx. 45 minutes.
Minimum 2 days (48 hours) by potable water
Compressive strength
6.0 N/mm2 at 28 days
Flexural strength
1.0 N/mm2 at 28 days
Silo/50 kg paper bags
Shelf Life
12 months from date of Manufacture
Application Standards
ASTM C270, C144, C150, C348, C349, C109/CM-01
Method of Application
Surface Prearation
- Concrete blocks or similar masonry units should be cleaned using a brush to remove any dust or loose particles.
- Surface must be free of dirt, oil, grease, scaling paint, curing agents, dust, loose particles, efflorescence or foreign material.
- Spray sufficient amount of clean potable water to neutralize the suction of the background
- Allow free water to evaporate completely before the application of Block mortar.
- Mixing Mix approx. 7.5 liters of clean potable water to a 50kg bag. Add Block mortar to water and mix with suitable electrical agitator to ensure a homogeneous and uniform mix. Allow to stand for approx. 5 minutes to completely dissolve the chemical additives. Do not add any additional water once mixing is completed.
- Application
Apply BM-100 to the background to the required thickness by a trowel and level. Fill the head joints with mortar properly. Tool all the joints when mortar has set to a thumb print hard.
- Curing
Curing of Block Mortar with potable water is absolutely necessary for Minimum of 48 hours.
- Precautions
Do not apply if raining. Protect from rain for 48 hrs after application. Hard or lumpy material must not be used.
- Storage
BM-100 must be protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Store off the ground in a cool and dry place.