Stucco® BM-600 is factory blended cementitious thin coat mortar for fixing AAC blocks and AAC elements, with high water retention.
BM-600 is a blend of Ordinary Portland cement, processed sand and chemical additives including redispersable powder polymers.
- Easy application.
- Excellent workability.
- Low shrinkage.
- Enhanced shear strength.
- Compatible with all mineral substrates.
Technical Data
Ordinary Portland cement
Size of the aggregate |
0 – 1.0 mm
Dry 1.45 kg/ltr, Wet 1.78 kg/ltr
Water requirement
Yield per ton
Approximate 615 litres/ton
Working time
Approx. 60 minutes.
Minimum 3 days (3-4 times daily) by potable water
Compressive strength
>10 N/mm2 at 28 days ASTM C579:2001 B
Flexural strength
>1.5 N/mm2 at 28 days BS 4551:1980
50 kg paper bags
Shelf Life
12 months from date of Manufacture
Application Standards
EN-998-2, BS 4551, ASTM C348, C349, C109/CM-01
Method of Application
Surface Prearation
- Before fixing blocks, the surface should be free from dirt, loose particles and other foreign materials, which may hamper the bonding of the blocks.
- The suction in the background should be neutralized by applying clean potable water.
- Water on the block surface should be allowed to disperse before applying BM-600.
- Mixing Add 50 Kg AAC block mortar to approximately 10.00 litres of clean potable water in a uncontaminated metal tub and mix with a suitable mechanical mixer. Allow to stand for approximate 5 minutes to completely dissolve the
chemical additives. Do not add any additional water once mixing is completed.
- The first layer of AAC blocks must be fixed using thick bed of normal cementitious mortar (1:3 Cement Sand Mortar).
- Apply BM-600 fresh mortar on top and side of the blocks to a uniform thickness of minimum 3mm using teeth trowel or mortar-roller in a teeth thickness of 4-6-mm.
- The excess mortar from the joints can be strip off before it dries.
- It will be ideal to leave space between the topmost layer of AAC blocks and bottom of concrete element. The gap must be filled with suitable foam or flexible material.
- Curing
Moist curing for 2 days (3-4 times daily) is necessary on the joints of the AAC blocks.
- BM-600 must not be applied in slurry form.
- Safety measures should be adopted if applied during rain.
- It should not be directly applied on to metal, PVC, Wooden boards or painted surface.
- Hard or lumpy material must not be used.
- Storage
BM-600 must be protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Store off the ground in a cool and dry place.